Friday, 17 August 2012

Blog Optimization Part-2

Blog Optimization
Blog Optimization Techniques
There are several blog optimization techniques available by which you can make your blog more visible to your readers and can generate a good traffic for the blog.
1.       URL Structure create your blog URL according to search engine, because search engine friendly URL version will increase your on-line visibility.
2.       Meta Description it is a short description of the page which appears underneath your link on SERP's. Create a short description of 160 characters to entice your users to click on the link.
How to add meta tags in blogger?
There are few simple steps to add meta tags in blogger
Step 1. Go to Blogger Dashboard > Select Blog > Template > Edit HTML.
Step 2. Search(Ctrl+F) for <head>
<head> tag can be found in the first few lines of the start of the HTML template.
Immediately after this add the following code:
<b:if cond=’data:blog.url == “http://ANY_POST_URL_TARGETED.html”‘>
<meta content=’YOUR_UNIQUE_POST_DESCRIPTION_HERE’ name=’description’/>
<meta name=”keywords” content=”ADD_UNIQUE_POST_KEYWORDS_SEPARATED_BY_COMMAS_HERE” />
<meta name=”ROBOTS” content=”INDEX,FOLLOW”/>
Note: Repeat the above set of codes for each post you like to target for search engine rankings and better search hits.(only for paid)
Step 3. Save the template. You are done!
Tips: This is a tedious work to add for each and every post on your blogspot bog. Hence target only the posts which are not doing well on the search results.

1.       Keyword Consideration when writing the title of blog post, some Plugin software gives you keyword suggestions. Otherwise you can use Google ad words or to find some good keywords for your blog.

2.      Categories Besides main category, create some sub categories as well. Use your important keywords in the title.

  1. Unique Content if your blog post(content) is unique then more blogger will link your blog, everyone don't like already existing content. Don't make it you habit to always be inspiration from someone's post, because it increase your chances of being caught. Fresh blogs are always in high demand.
  2. Ping Submission it is good if you ping other websites whenever you publish a new blog post. It gives them an alert that your site is still active and updating the content on regular basis. Some blog platforms have automatic pinging include in their control panel. If you don't find any option in the control panel, there is no need to worry you can use ping-o-matic for pinging.
  3. Register Domain Name some time blog host went out of the business and all their customers are out on the cyber street. After that it is quite hard to retrieve all your faithful readers. All your hardwork become null. So before anything wrong happen register your domain.
  4. Comment and track-back Spam Search engine dislike Spam links and if they found these links on your blog, it might be possible that you will face some problems. So stop all bad and Spam messages and links by maintaining your comment and track back on your blog. Some blog platforms provide tools to manage all these things in the admin part.
  5. Image Optimization it is good if your blog post includes images, it makes your blog good and conveys ideas better than you can write about them. You can optimize blogs by using alt tags, wordpress platform generate alt tags automatically based on the file name. The best idea is to take keywords in file name. In wordpress you can add title and alt text to your image once it is uploaded into wordpress. To access your image go to media>>library and click on the image you want to edit.
Here you can add title, description, caption, and alt text of the image. The title will be shown on the image when a reader drag the cursor over it and alt text is what describe the image to search engine, including the keyword in the image will help them and your blog rank in SERP's.
Blog Optimization is really important if you want to rank your blog in search engines, today search engines are very strict they will not improve your ranking until you make a blog which is user friendly and search engines friendly. But over optimization will also harm your blog.

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Blog Optimization Part-1

Blog :- blog is a website consisting many entries or posts, in this case most recent entries appeared first. Blog sites include comment and links facilities to attract the users. Blogger can share their experience in the form of a post.
Blogging has become a craze on line, everyone is making a blog, but sadly enough; not all blogger's are successful. They are ignored by search engines and only few readers can find them. So if you want that your blog cover major area and most people read your blog then you have to optimize your blog according to search engines.

Blog optimization
It is little bit different from search engine optimization, as we know that most of the blogs are listed on public blog platforms.
In blog optimization it may not seen obvious at first but the type of blog template you use is important. The layout may be quite appealing to you and your readers, but that does not mean that search engine likes your idea. It may cause the ranking of blog, might be possible that new readers not find your blog. Always update your blog so that you can maintain your regular users as well, give them useful tools to work with and make their viewing experience as enjoyable as possible.
Blog Optimization Techniques  
There are several blog optimization techniques available by which you can make your blog more visible to your readers and can generate a good traffic for the blog.
  1. Check Your Default Template  if you customize your blog and design a original look for the blog , then your blog definitely stand out and achieve good rankings in SERP'S result. The combination of logos, pictures and colors will make your blog more attractive.
  2. Really simple syndication RSS is a great feature to have, free blogging platforms that don't offer it; has a big disadvantage. If it is not available then add it as soon as possible and adding a logo will be a good approach. In the case of RSS snippets don't copy the words from blog post, write some short but unique content.
  3. Expand with email Today most of the people like RSS, but there are some people who don't use this features; so for them use the email service. If you don't have the time to send the latest blog post by email, you can find some on-line services related to this features.
  4. Format Your Text Properly Always remembers that readers don't like the small words and paragraph which is not properly broken down. But nobody wants to read a big block of content, so edit your text in proper way; break the paragraph when you feel to be. Use a text which is easy to read.
  5. Text Errors Before publishing your blog firstly check the spelling errors; don't use the abbreviations because it is not possible that everyone knows the meaning of your abbreviations.
  6. Page Speed Readers want to read and they don't like to wait too much after clicking on the RSS logo for downloading. A 30 second loading time is too long.
  7. Navigation Bar blogs which are the part of big companies or websites should incorporate a navigation bar. Site navigation will help the readers to get back on the main page.
  8. Widgets Limits  too many Java script can slow down your site, so always select those widgets which are useful for the site.
  9. Proper Title title tags are one of the important elements of search engine optimization it is really important and affects both user experience and seo. Before selecting the title for blog, just make sure that your title matches your content. Fascinating titles often result higher click through rates. When creating the title for home page, include your brand name in the title and important keyword of the blog.
  10. Maintain the CSS  when you use standard template, probably all your css are placed in an external file, but if you select custom made design you may want to inspect your blog designer's handy work. CSS that are not put in an external file can clutter up your pages.
  11. Post Update Update your blog regularly, it keep your site fresh and always different data attracts your old visitors with new visitors. Search engines also like fresh content. So if you do that after some time you might be rank well in SERP's.
  12. Source Links if you are using content from article, blogs, studies or any other resource; always include their links. It makes your profile genuine and content.