Friday, 8 June 2012

How to check page speed and how can we minimize it below the 100

There are many tools to check page speed, some reliable page speed tools are and
There are few important points with that you can remove the page speed of the web
page or website.

1) Minimize the number of HTTP requests:- limit the number of files required to display your
site, as you know when some visit your site the corresponding files like CSS files, java
script library and images must be sent to that person’s browser. So eliminate everything
that’s unnecessary, like plugin because it really makes an impact on your site.

2) Optimize and correctly displays images:- add images as small as possible, many images
contain a ton of extraneous meta data that can drastically increase the size of the file.

3) Minify HTML,CSS and Java script :- remove all white space like spaces and tabs, because
servers and browsers don’t care about what the code looks like as long as it’s valid and
execute without error.

4) Use a Content Delivery Network:- a CDN is a high performance network of servers across
the globe that replicate the static assets of your website and serve them to visitors from
the closet POP. It is a most effective ways to speed up your sites.

5) Gzip and compress components :- in this we allow the web server to compress our files
before sending them to visitors. For that we can drop a few lines of code in our .htaccess
files to accomplish this.

#Begin gzip and deflate
<IfModule mod_deflate.c>
gzip on;
gzip_types text/html text/css application/x-javascript text/plain
text/xml image/x-icon;
6) Choose <link> over @import :-
When including the CSS files, always use the <link> instead of @import,
because internet explorer handles them differently by loading them as if
the reference was at the bottom of the document.

7) Put CSS file at the top or include the css file in <head> of the

8) Put the scripts at the bottom, because all the functionality-related
files can be loaded after our content is loaded.

9) Utilizing browser caching :- don’t require to browsers to pull down
another copy of static files every time, with this we are explicitly
giving the command to browsers to save the files for a specified period
of time. When the file is needed again the browser is to pull from its
local cache.

10) Use css Sprites :-A css is an iamge comprised of other images used by
your design as something of a map containing the coordinates of all the

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some Alternate of Canonical URLs

There are few methods as an alternative of canonical URLs, these methods are
effective work well. But there is a problem with these methods. Most of the
methods support non indexing…
) 301 Redirect-: in many cases the best way to combat duplicate content is
to set up a 301 redirect from duplicate page to the original page. In apache
server you can do this with an .htaccess file; in IIS you can do this through the
administrative console.

2) Robot.txt:- it is a text file you can put it on your site to tell search robots which
pages you would like them not to visit. There is a problem with this method,
that if you use it for the page, then that page is not going to be index in search

3) Meta robots : No Index it is a another way to block the duplicate content, in this
we use <meta name=”robots”content=”no index,follow”/> this method also tells
the search engine that it is a duplicate content so not to index this as well. But
we can get the link juice value from it.

4) Alternate Link Tag:- it is quite similar to the canonical tag, but mostly it is used
for multilingual sites.
<Link rel=”alternate” hreflang=”en” href=””/>
<Link rel=”alternate” hreflang=”en” href=””/>
In this all pages will stay indexed in search engines